A bolder crashed into the boardwalk up ahead. I want to see evidence of its power! I want to see what that impact looks like! I try to peek around the corner, but it is of no use. I will have to imagine it: The boardwalk is being repaired and is closed to the public today. (And that includes me!)
I pause to ask “where next?” then plunge into the woods. Uphill, and almost to the clearing at the Carter Overlook, I notice amidst the brown of woodchips, leaves, pine needles, and a lone green shoot, is a painted rock beaming out — blue, pink, white, yellow, and green — colors of the rainbow. Or spumoni ice cream! YUM!
“It’s a HOPE rock!” said a good friend, reminding me of our recent conversation about positive signs surrounding us.
I think about the juxtaposition of the bolder smashing into the boardwalk, maybe on the same day, or even the same moment, that someone placed this bright, mini boulder in the middle of the woods.
Even though there has been little snow, it has been a really long winter: illness and isolation, world issues, personal issues. I know I am not alone in this. But Spring is almost here, some days more than others, and we are in the see-saw now, the temperature swings, the ups and downs. Nicer weather is coming around, and this colorful stone at my feet is a good reminder that there are reasons to be hopeful.
In childhood, I recall leaping for joy in excitement when the weather warmed and I could play on a see-saw with my sister. What a thrill! Pushing off with our legs, soaring upwards, dropping to the ground again; then being propelled to reach for the sky once more.
Oh, how I remember.
The dance between rising and falling was joyful then! Well…mostly. Unless it hurt. But we would get over it quickly by playing again as soon as possible. No time for being sick. My mom said that when I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I did not want to lie in bed, I just wanted to get up, go out, and play.
Yes, there is hope that the d-words — doom, darkness, despair, depression, devastation, and destruction — can be transformed by play, as well as connection, beauty, nature, creativity. (And isn’t all creativity really just play anyway?)
Hope came blasting through in full color today. And after seeing this stone, I am lining my pockets with hope for brighter days. There is always room for hope in there along with the change.
Coins jingling…serenading…heaven calling…
Widen your gaze, trust the detour, painful though it is sometimes. Rising and falling —all part of the same dance.
And you never know what someone has left to light your way.
~ KB
For C. Thank you for naming the rock, Hope! 3/7/2023