This happened for the first time in eighteen years: A fawn stopped me in my tracks!
I started talking to it as I usually do with anyone new on the path. I don’t have to know them, I just pretend. And I guess because, as walkers, we are all family. Even the animals.
Especially the animals.
What is surprising to me is the deer stayed around to listen. And me too.
By now you know, I am always asking for a sign. I think this started when my mom passed over and I began talking to her in the heavens out of curiosity, necessity and desperation, really. Anything to reduce the sense of loss and separation.
And it’s not just signs from the other side I pay attention to. To the dismay and laughter of my friends, I have been known to get guidance from license plates. To my credit, they have been pretty synchronistic at times.
But to get me from here to there, I am looking to nature once again. I can’t argue with nature. Nature is talking truth. We only have to look at our planet and events of the past year to know this for sure.
Yes, I am looking to the animals. They can come to us as guides when our path becomes obstructed or unclear. They too can offer us a sign. According to Jamie Sams/David Carson’s animal totem book, Medicine Cards, deer symbolize gentleness and love.
I try to think back to my questions from earlier today and can’t remember them. I guess it doesn’t really matter what the question is, gentleness and love are a good answer. I know my deeper questions are always with me, even if I am not consciously positing them. That’s why the deer showed up.
Yes, out in the woods today, a deer crossed my heart. Cross my heart and…live.
Fully live!
So, tonight on the Solstice, I feel the fawn’s little feet leaving traces of gentleness in my heart. Rounding out and softening its hard edges. Pitter patter pitter patter in its chambers. Tap tap tap through my vessels. Creating more space. Strengthening my blood. My veins. My nerves. My tissues. My bones. Especially my bones. Working through and through the marrow and matrix of my being. Anchoring its light in my core. Reminding me to pause and hold myself and others dear.
Deer. Standing by, bearing witness, anchoring truth for us all.
~ KB